Thursday, August 31, 2006

Holey Guacamole!

Stuck in My Head: Pool Party by The Aquabats

So, I brought my scarf to school today for knitting. I can't begin to tell you how much I love this scarf. There's just something to satisfying to knit it, it's thick and substantial and warm and squishy and pretty. I love it. I love it. I love it. I snapped a picture with my Camera Phone of it in my lap on the bus with my iPod. If you can't tell, It says "7 Minutes in Heaven (Atavan Halen)"- Fall Out Boy.

(ignore my finger in the picture)
I was knitting it during my break today and this kinda cute dude told me that It was really pretty, and that he had knit a scarf once, but It wasn't as nice as mine was. Then this other girl told me it was really cute. Cool.

I told mom about a conversation I had with a curious person, Mom said it was blog-worthy, so:
Curious Lady: "Is that hard?"
Me: "Not really. Not once you get used to it."
Curious Lady: "Oh. I've done that, but with, like, 1 stick."
Me: *Pause, thinking: Oh. I think she means crochet.* "Yeah"
Curious Lady: "It's a good stress-reliever."

Then she walked away... Reminded me of one time when I was knitting around my friends and one asked what I was doing, and I said Knitting, and she asked me "Isn't that a Grandma Sport?" Bahahahaha, I laughed so hard. I've blogged about that before, but it still makes me laugh.

I got 8" done today. This will be my proudest FO ever when it's done.


Blogger mary said...

What guacamole-colored yarn are you using? I can't remember from your previous posts if you told us. I'm a big fan of the squishy yarn.

4:19 PM  
Blogger Kaity said...

Its not really Guacamole Colored, kinda bright green, Holey Guacamole is a lyric from the song that was stuck in my head, haha.

Anyway, I'm using Cascade 220.

4:22 PM  
Blogger Rhonda the Stitchingnut said...

I love that scarf too. I knit one in blue but yours looks softer & squishier. I might give mine away & knit myself a new one in loftier yarn, LOL. Lot's of people ask about my public knitting also ... altho I'm AM a Grandma, hehe. But some think it's funny that I knit SOCKS.

2:59 AM  

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