Saturday, August 05, 2006

Doo be doo be doo

That, my friends, is the humble beginnings of an Irish Hiking scarf. I've been wanting to make one for a long time, I just haven't had any good yarn to make it out of. So at the yarn store today, I picked up two skeins of Cascade 220 (My Most Favorite Yarn Ever!) in some BRIGHT green color that I can only describe as Peter Pan colored. The picture is a little dark, but I'll try to get a more accurate colored picture next time. So far So good. I'm using size 9 needles rather than the 8's that the pattern calls for, so I think it will go a tad faster. And I learned to Cable without a Cable needle, which is the best thing in the world. Way Easy. So, for now, I'm not working on anything but this scarf and my sock pal socks, which are coming along slowly, but they look cool!

On Tuesday, the All American Rejects are playing a free concert at our County Fair, so I'm gonna check them out. I've already seen them, but it's free. I saw the B-52's at the fair a couple years ago, and a couple years before that, I saw Big Bad Voodoo Daddy. Big Bad Voodoo Daddy is playing again this year at the fair, but I can't get anyone to go with me, so Alas! No BBVD :(

Oh well, I can handle it. I'm a happy person, it's not getting me down!


Blogger Marion said...

We were going to go see BBVD at the House of Blues on Friday night--like I haven't seen them a million times already--but the tickets were sold out. I hope you can get someone to go with you!

12:54 AM  
Blogger Meg said...

One time, I didn't go see Maroon 5 because I couldn't get anyone to go with me. Later, I heard from people how great it was, and "I should have gone!". Lesson learned: Don't miss out on stuff you want to do just cuz you're a party of 1! Have fun :)

P.S. I love your blog!

8:43 PM  
Blogger elizabeth marley said...

You should definitely just go by yourself! I go to shows alone all the time and I usually make friends...even if they are the one night only kind of friends.

I love the scarf. How do you do a cabe without a cable needle?

9:34 PM  
Blogger Rhonda the Stitchingnut said...

I love the Irish green you're using for the scarf. I knit it in blue to go with a sweater I made for myself. Love your color better...

I use to go to concerts all the time when I lived in CA [many yrs ago], so much fun. Take geeyouknit & meg's advice, go alone if you must, make friends with people around you, have a good time, and enjoy the memories!!

6:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cabling without a cable needle? You continue to amaze me.

P.S. - looking forward to AAR tomorrow night!!

12:52 PM  

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