Tuesday, June 06, 2006

You Spin Me Right Round

If you haven't read my mom's post yet, then I'll tell you myself. I learned to spin today! My mom was NOT going to let me learn, I don't need a new hobby, LOL! I actually wasn't going to let myself. But, the lady at our new LYS sold me on it (Oh yeah, Wendy, I'll tell you all about the store so you can check it out!). She was so nice and inviting and let me spin on her spindle, so I caved! Yay! My first spinning experience looks like Crap, but I'll get better! I really need a real spindle, not just one made out of CDs. I am trying to figure out how a spinning wheel works, so I can talk my dad into making me one, haha.

Disneyland was really fun yesterday. We didn't have a whole lot of time, but it was still fun. Graduation practice today SUCKED, but oh well. I only have to wait until Thursday, right?


Blogger Mouse said...

Ha-ha.. we brought another one to the dark side!! It looks good.. try drafting (separating and thinning..) out your fiber more before you spin- it will help dramatically. If I want to spin a thin single, I draft out my fiber thin.. especially with a spindle that's important because your hands are busy spinning and holding the spindle.
About the wheel.. you can buy one used on Ebay or from a guild cheaper than someone would make one I would assume.

7:31 AM  
Blogger LC in Sunny So Cal said...

Hey, Kaity...I have a nice drop spindle if you wanna borrow it! Lemme know!

7:38 AM  
Blogger Lucy said...

I smell a "graduation present"....mmmmmm? Whadda think?

7:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh Kaity....and did you sign up for her spinning class like your Grandma did? See you there!

7:24 PM  
Blogger Marion said...

Wow, that looks like so much fun!

8:19 PM  
Blogger JustApril said...

You've graduated by now!!wooo hoooo

Congrats on that and being a new spinner, I'm still a wish I was a wanna be =P


4:23 PM  

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