Just Me
This all started when I read April's post about being comfortable in her own skin, and I really like what she wrote. I was thinking about how old you have to get until you are completely comfortable with yourself, regardless of what everyone else likes, or what they think of you. I mean, I just turned 18, and I am pretty much entirely happy with who I am. There are little things, I could be skinnier, but that's for my benefit, not because everybody in magazines and whatnot tell you that that's attractive, but that would be entirely for my own benefit, to make me happy, no one else. A couple years ago, I really kind of couldn't say the same, that I wasn't comfortable in my own skin, but that was then. I really like myself, I really like being me. That's kinda like, my whole perspective for... everything. Just, being me and loving life because of it. I wrote an article about this and submitted it to the spring Knitty, I kinda tied it in with the whole knitting aspect, so if they don't accept it, I'll post it here. But, anyway, here's a big Thank You to April for writing about this. That up there is me knitting in motion, usually my normal state while knitting, although those Jeans might be replaced with Pajama pants or something, but basically, that's me.
What am I knitting, you ask? I had the urge to knit a sweater really bad this morning, so we hit the LYS, like we do almost every weekend, and I spend my voucher on enough Encore Chunky to make this Gatsby Pullover from the Spring 2003 Interweave Knits:
The color I bought is black, I like black, I wear a lot of black, so this will just be a sweater I can be comfortable in. I really like this design. I have for a while, and have wanted to make it for a long while.
And I sign off with some more shots of me just being me;
First, the "I'm so nerdy" Pic:
And the "Musician" Pic:
And that's it.
Awesome job! I like your take on this subject. It's good to be 18 and happy about who you are. Thanks for participating in Knitting in Motion =)
It is amazing to see someone as young as you are. (young compared to me) getting the point of being yourself and being comfortable in who you are. I did not draw this conclusion myself until my mid-20's. But I am not happy with who I am and how I look. If no one else likes it...phhhht...their loss. I do try to instill my daughters with the same attitudes and hope they "get it" earlier than I did.
You go girl! I think you are great and wise beyond your years. Oh yes, and Happy belated Birthday to you, from me. HUGS!
Hehehehe...a mispell. "not happy with who I am" was suppose to be "now happy with who I am." Sorry. LOL!
That's awsome Kaity! It's great that you discovered this so early in life. It's a wonderful way start to adulthood!!!!
Great pics!
great post, kaity! i think everyone goes though phases, and that's all part of the big picture of constantly becoming who you are throughout your life. realizing that you do not have to ever be "stuck" and that you can actually change things if you want to - and then doing so - is very powerful. you've got a good head on your shoulders, girlie!
I love my Doozer!
You're one cool cat! That you feel this way at 18 is extraordinary and wonderful!
Kaity you are an awesome young lady! I really admire you (an I'm almost 50) I finally feel comfortable being me and am the happiest I've ever ever been. Only thing I have to say (and I tell my son the same)...don't let anyone...anyone...for absolutely no reason...change who YOU are!!! I let someone do that to me....and I just recently found that 18 year old girl again...and I love her to bits....ME!!!
You have a good handle on this whole life thing and at the ripe 'ol age of 18, at that. Good for you and for your parents (they must be pretty cool to raise such a smart and kick ass young one). Do you really play the guitar? You better say, "nah, it's just for looks" or I'm gonna have to be totally envious.
Wow, Kaity, that was a great post. I hope to be reading your piece in Knitty! You are an exceptional woman to feel this way at your age.
I also wanted to second Jennifer's comment about change. It took me a long while to realize that. :)
Great post! You're one of the only people our age that I know who is that comfortable with themself. :)
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